Monday, October 21, 2013

It needs to end!!

If there is one show that needs to be over and should have ended years ago it is keeping up with the kardashians. I think its safe to say that it is a reality show we all could have done without.  The only reason that show even got started was cause of Paris Hilton. She was popular around the time kim kardashian started hanging around with her and then just like paris, kim came out with her very own sex tape. Then from that buzz came their very own reality show. And unfortunately it took off from there.
I think after a while some reality shows just need to stop, theres only so many seasons they can keep doing with this. How many times are they going to show kim being the stuck up sister, kourtney being the bitch, and khloe being the weirdo. Not too mention their mother kris who is so over the top that there is no way this is not scripted. Lets not forget 2 younger sisters who have mooched off the success of kim just like rob, the brother. I think the most normal one of them all is bruce but unfortunately for him he's thrown in there with all the crazies.
Its not bad enough that we have keeping up with the kardiashians, there is also their own spin off shows kourtney and khloe take miami and then kourtney and kim take new york. And then came kris's talk show which i'm proud to say sucked and thank god got cancelled. But if i'm not mistaken there is going to be another season of keeping up with the kardashians. How much more can this go on, especially with all the rumors about khloes husband and then the rumors about kris and bruce getting a divorce. I believe that this madness has to end sooner rather than later.

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